Gallery 2.5: Purse Seine Fishing Stages
Various stages of net setting: surrounding the school, skiff meeting the purse seine vessel with end of net, navigator driving purse seine vessel during set from port station, and exchanging cables and tow ropes between skiff and purse seine vessel (Photo: Jeff Muir)
Net rolling as seen from the speed boat deck and work boat (Photo: Jeff Muir)
Show here (clockwise from top left): the pursing process at start, the pursing winch retrieving cable, and the purse cables coming through blocks on purse boom. (Photo: David Itano)
Sacking up. A crew working with net to make sack as small as possible (top left), two shots of the sack of fish ready to be brailed (top middle and right), brailing (bottom left), and view from underwater of fish being “sacked up” (bottom right). (Photo: Jeff Muir)
Use of a hopper. An empty hopper being readied for use (top left), hopper being filled with one 7 mt brail of catch (top right), crew sorting catch in hopper (bottom left), crew removing a blue marlin from hopper (bottom right). (Photo: Jeff Muir and Fabien Forget)